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Mother's Blessing

1. Welcome

Gather everyone in a circle and welcome them to the group. Often an altar is created in the middle (see picture below) that holds the salt bowl (if applicable) and items that are meaningful to the mother.

2. Shift to self-awareness and setting the tone

-Guided or group meditation
-Personal introductions and how we know the mother
-Setting intentions for being in the circle

3. Focus on the Mother

-Bead ceremony: everyone brings a bead to give to the mother with an intention or wish for her during the last weeks of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. The beads can be tied around a candle or into a necklace to be present at the birth.
-Massage, foot soak, pedicure, henna.
-Birth art - painting, positive affirmation flag banner.
-Candle lighting with a wish for the mother.
-Hand-written blessing, piece of art, poem to present to the mother.
-Salt Bowl: everyone brings an organic item to add to a bowl with salt (which then preserves it) and includes a wish for the mother that may relate to the item. Examples include essential oils, flower petals, gemstones, herbs.
-Those in the circle can hold space while the mother expresses her hopes/excitement/concerns/fears.

4. Wrist-binding

Using yarn or string, each woman in the circle wraps their wrist and passes the yarn/string to the next person until it connects all of the participants in the circle. When the mother goes into labor, each bracelet is cut to release their positive, loving energy to the mother.

5. Feast

Each person brings a snack to share! This is a time to eat and visit.
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