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Birth Doula Package $975

Free Consultation 

I want you to feel confident that I am a good fit for you! I will answer any questions you have and we'll talk about what you expect from me as your doula.

1-2 Prenatal Visits

The purpose of this visit will be to address specific birth plans and hopes, and for me to pamper you - foot soak/rub, massage, guided meditation/relaxation, etc. I want this to be a visit focused on meeting your needs and getting us on the same page as we look forward to your birth experience. 


I will also be available to you via phone calls and text as needed.

Professional Information 

I will be available to help you find the information you need. I have books you can borrow as well as access to a community of birth workers who have a wealth of experiences and connections.


Also see Birth Services Guide for community and professional referrals. 

During labor 

I will provide emotional and physical support and hold space for you and your partner. This includes massage, counter pressure, breathing techniques, guided meditation, positive affirmations, etc. I will be there to hold your hand and tell you "you ARE doing it!" If there is an emergency that prevents me from coming to your birth, I will always have a backup doula that you can meet in advance.

Baby’s first feeding Support 

I have breastfed each of my children for over a year. Each child had their own set of challenges so I have varied experience. I have also completed a breastfeeding workshop.

Postpartum follow-up visit 

This visit will be within the first 6 weeks and will be a time for you to process your birth experience and feel nourished and pampered by me.

Birth and Postpartum Doula Package $1400

Includes everything listed in Birth Doula Package AND Traditional Postpartum Doula Package​


This gives us the opportunity to work together from pregnancy through the first 40 days of postpartum and you receive the full extent of my offerings.






While I encourage gifting yourself the entire postpartum package for a beautiful and healing postpartum transition, I also offer the option of hourly services if preferred. This includes:


Cleaning cooking, childcare, running errands


Nourishing meals

Basic newborn care

Basic breastfeeding support

Anything else you need emotionally or physically!

Postpartum Doula hourly services- $35/hour
Optional Add-on Services
Traditional Postpartum Doula Package $750

6-7 in-person visits 

I will visit 1-2 times prenatally. This will give us a chance to talk about postpartum preparations and to establish a relationship. Beginning 1 week postpartum, I will come once a week for 5 weeks for 2-4 hours each time. 


Nourishing food

​Each week postpartum I will bring nourishing bone broth and food as well as herbal tea to sip on during or after our visit.


Body Care + Closing of the Bones Ceremony

Gentle care for the postpartum body is so essential. Each week when I come I will offer a foot soak and foot rub as well as a neck/shoulders/face rub. I will guide you through a Closing of the Bones ceremony and leave you with a faja to bind your belly for added support when I'm not there. The Closing of the Bones ceremony gives you an opportunity to rest and can be a powerful way to offer closure and physical/emotional support during this life transition. 


Emotional Support + Processing

While you are wrapped and resting, I will offer a meditation or you may rest in silence or with music if preferred.

Before I leave I'll check in with you and hold space for you to process any feelings or thoughts you'd like to work through.


Meal Prep - $25/meal (cost of ingredients included)

Choose up to 5 meals from my selection of healthy recipes. I will shop for, prepare, and deliver all meals to you. Please see attachment for food choices (and click links to view recipes).

Mother's Blessing $150

Prior to giving birth, many women want to gather their support group and prepare for this sacred experience. Rather than focusing solely on the baby, the attention is directed to the mother. Every woman should feel loved, upheld and pampered during this time, and a mother's blessing is a beautiful way to help a mother see and feel the holiness of this life-giving experience. I love to coordinate the details with you but can also plan it on my own. I will provide all necessary items and send invitations. See Mother's Blessing tab for more information.

"Overall, women who received continuous support were more likely to have spontaneous vaginal births and less likely to have any pain medication, epidurals, negative feelings about childbirth, vacuum or forcepts-assisted births, and C-sections. In addition, their labors were shorter by about 40 minutes and their babies were less likely to have low Apgar scores at birth". (

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