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Interested in nature immersion?

Join us for forest school!

When: Mondays 12 PM - 3:00 PM (11:30 - 3:30 if carpooling)
Where: Provo Canyon
Ages: 8-11
Cost: $115/month (cost includes lunch. A $30 upfront fee will cover the cost of a nature journal + t-shirt and hold your child's spot in the class)

*Transportation from Orem is optional with an additional $25/month fee.*
"Wilderness is not a luxury, but a necessity of the human spirit" - Edward Abbey
Our goals are:
1. To help each child foster a deep relationship with themselves, with each other as a community and with the Earth. 
2. To promote wellness in mind, body and spirit.
3. To give children the gift of knowledge about the Earth and its living and non-living inhabitants.

Spending time in nature:
-Reduces stress, anger and aggression
-Enhances coordination and balance
-Encourages creativity, critical thinking and problem solving
-Strengthens bodies and immune systems
-Lengthens attention span and decreases ADHD symptoms
-Increases positive self-esteem
-Improves social skills
-Fosters a love for the Earth and desire to care for it
-Improves academic performance

Through an immersive experience, children will benefit from hands-on learning that will be guided by both teacher and student. We prepare nature-based lessons for each class period  and the children will have time to integrate the new information through individual and group invitations, games, skill-building, nature journaling and other activities followed by free play (which may be the most important part!). Our themes will also be guided by the interests of the children and will flow with the needs of the class.
Our Teachers
Ms. Jamie owns Sunflower Meadows Preschool and has taught for 6 years. She has also been taking her kids to forest school for 6 years and has loved experiencing the seasons of the forest through sun, rain and snow. She loves hiking, exploring and learning about ways to conserve and preserve the Earth. She's passionate about offering a space for children to develop a love for the Earth and benefit from all it has to offer.
Heather Zemp has always felt a deep connection to the Earth. She has a degree in Biology Sec Ed and English and taught high school for five years before taking a break to raise her five children. One of the classes she taught was a cross curricular nature-based program called Unified Studies at Orem High. She has attended Waldorf Education trainings and spent two years teaching a Pre-K through first grade class during the pandemic. Most recently she has started teaching as an integrated specialty teacher at her neighborhood elementary school with a focus on drama. She loves working with children, especially helping them make connections.
"Passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young. It travels along grass-stained sleeves to the heart" - Richard Louv
*Please Note: There is no fee to apply. Once you apply, you will receive a contract via email within 24 hours. The signed contract and $30 up front fee will hold your child's spot in the class!*
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