Summer Camps 2025
Ages 4-6 / 9 AM - 12 PM
Dragons and Fairy Dust / June 3 & 5
Join us for an enchanting time as we create fairy gardens, magical potions, dragon eggs and enjoy a fairy tea party with fire food!
Younger Grades
Ages 6-8 / 9 AM - 12 PM
Under the Sea / June 17 & 19
More info to come!
Older Grades
Ages 9-12 / 1-4 PM
Harry Potter Camp / July 15 & 17
More info to come!
Bon Appetit! / July 29 & 31
More info to come!
Summer Camps 2024
Ages 3-5 / 9 AM - 12 PM
Dragons and Fairy Dust / May 28 & 30
Join us for an enchanting time as we create fairy gardens, magical potions, dragon eggs and enjoy a fairy tea party with fire food.
Younger Grades
Ages 5-7 / 9 AM - 12 PM
Animal Adventures / June 4 & 6
Learn about the world’s wildest animals as we build animal homes, chow down on animal food and take home your very own furry (or scaly) friend.
Older Grades
Ages 8-11 / 1-4 PM
Summer Olympics / June 24 & 26 / *This is Monday/Wednesday*
Get ready to use your wit and creativity in this camp full of playful competitions, games and challenges as we take a unique spin on our own kind of Summer Olympics.
Around the World / July 9 & 11
Come explore cultures from around the world through food, art and play!
Hogwarts Express / July 16 & 18
Take a step into the wizarding world and experience edible potions, chocolate frogs, handmade basilisks and more!
Elements Camp / August 6 & 8
Candle-making, flower arranging, spray bottle art and making our own bouncy balls are a few of the elements of Elements Camp.
Summer Camps 2023

Preschool Sessions
Dragons and Fairy Dust / June 13 & 15 / 9:30 AM - 12 PM / Ages 3-5
Fairy playdough, deviled dragon eggs, unicorn foam, a fairy tea party and more will make this a magical camp!
Dino Days / July 11 & 13 / 9:30 AM - 12 PM / Ages 4-6
We'll experience a blast to the past as we excavate dinosaur eggs, make dinosaur bone bread, create dinosaur fossils, dig for dinosaur bones and more!
Gradeschool Sessions
Hogwarts Express / June 20 & 22 / 1-4 PM / Ages 7-10
Potion-mixing, wand-making, butterbeer and magic classes will leave you feeling like you belong in the wizarding world.
Culinary Creativity / July 18 & 20 / 1-4 PM / Ages 7-10
Taste-tests, food art, recipe building and prepping, baking and cooking delicious food are just a sample of what we'll be doing this week!
Nature Lovers / August 1 & 3 / 1-4 PM / Ages 7-10
Nature lovers will enjoy making garden-fresh food, pressed flower art, nature challenges and bringing home their very own nature journals.
The above descriptions include just a sampling of the activities that will be offered during each session. Each week includes:
-Art projects
-STEM activities
-Food prep and cooking skills
-Nature play
Visit my Instagram account @Sunflower_Meadows_Preschool! I have a "Summer Camps" highlight saved that shows last year's activities.